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Who I Am in Christ

submitted by: Lydia H.
Who I Am in Christ

When I edited the sunflower that I bought I opened it in my Singer Futura Quintet software. I liked using this software to separate each section so once I bought it into Embrilliance I worked with different sections. When I opened it in Embrilliance and was able to se the editing tool to remove the jump stitches and ensuring ties. I used the futura software for the lettering because Embrilliance did not have the lettering I wanted to use and when I tried to import TT in embrilliance it would not create good looking stitches for me because the font is only 0.25. When I saved and then opened it in Embrilliance I was able to use the editing tool again to eliminate jump stitches however I still had to cut the thread between the words. Not sure how to get rid of them. I also used 60 weight thread thin thread which is a very thin thread for the lettering so the letters were better defined.

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