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Did you know that your Floss can wear out?

You do not want to wear out your floss as you stitch. The goal is to have the last stitch should look like the first stitch. Most of the basic cotton flosses out there are pretty durable and you can use longer lengths with out any noticeable wear or fray.

It's when you get in to the specialty threads like silks, metallic, pearl cotton and Wisper thread that you need to pay attention.

I know how time consuming it is to stop and start threads all the time but from recent experience it will be well worth it. I have been stitching with some silk thread and it frays like nothing I have ever seen before. It kinda has been a war between me and the floss and right now the floss is winning. To keep my project looking good I have started using about 12 inch lengths, which does suck as far as starting and ending but it is looking better than the areas where I was using longer lengths.

If you have ever stitched with metallic thread then you know the headache. I have found the cure. It is “The little blue box of awesomeness”-- this is a nick name my customers have give Thread Heaven. It is a thread conditioner. You simply slide your metallic floss through it and it helps keep all of the filaments together as you stitch. It honestly makes a HUGE difference when working with metallics. And again, it helps to use shorter lengths of about 12 inches to 18 inches.  (**Update: Thread Magic is no longer available, but we do carry the similiar product: Thread Magic).

Whether you are using pearl cotton for hardanger for cross stitch, I will always recommend shorter lengths. Pearl Cotton has a beautiful sheen and twist to it. But the longer you use the thread the sheen starts fading and the twist unravels.

Wisper thread is a fine fuzzy single yarn and is great for stitching anything that is supposed to be fuzzy. I have used in on a Christmas Elf for the ball of her hat and the cuffs of her dress. I have found that when using Wisper you should complete your stitch as you go. For some reason completing the x made all the difference while working with this thread.

After I was all done I used Judy's Boo Boo Stick to fluff up all the fuzz. Works great and looks so cute!

Grab some floss and start stitching!!!

Debra G.

Thank you for the tips!! I love getting information that helps me keep my projects looking great.

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Evie P.

Great tips. Thank you. I also use Thread Heaven. I keep it attached to the side of my frame. I attached it with Velcro dots, so I can move it from frame to frame.

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Donnett H.

Oh that is a brilliant idea attaching it with velcro to your frame. Sad to say that Thread Heaven has been discontinued. However there is a new product called Thread Magic that is now available. I will post an up date review about it once I have had time to use it for awhile.

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Evie P.

Great tips. Thank you.

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Carrie D.

I've used Whisper as well and using shorter than normal lengths keeps it nice and fluffly.

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Rebecca M.

Great suggestions and hints! Thanks for the post!

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Debra L.

Great hints. Thanks

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