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Introducing New Designer Brush Street Design Works

We are so excited to announce that Embroidery.com is now carrying Brush Street Design Works. (Check her YouTube Channel, The Stitching Kitchn).

I sit down with the Sharron, the designer for Brush Street Design Works, and ask her a little about her line of designs.

So you have two types of designs, tell me a little about these "Seasons".

The "Seasons" series all started last year when I found the Snowflake buttons (from Just another Button Company). I live in Las Vegas and thought it would be ironic to do some snowmen designs. I wanted something simple and cute and fast. I created the words of "winter" and it came out so cute. It uses 18 count fabric and big buttons and watercolor thread and it's a fast stitch and lots of fun.

So then I thought, well, I need to do spring and I just changed the snowflakes to flowers. And then, I couldn’t help myself, and had to do a summer one with a bee skep and bees.  And I just finished the autumn one (coming out soon). It will be a whole series of four. I love Just Another Button Company buttons.

They are just fabulous, right?

They are... sometimes I pick the buttons out before I think of the design. Then I start stitching. You'll be able to use some metallics, beads and these buttons. They stitch up really fast.

They are so cute-- they would be perfect beginner projects.

Absolutely.  They are done on 18 count or 20 count over two. So they are real easy to see and to cross stitch.

Then you have these adorable “Streets”, these adorable houses. They are so cute. This one is 1031 Brush Street (for Halloween). There is a 214 Brush Street for Valentine's Day. How did you come up with these, 'cause they are adorable!

Well, first of all, it says "Brush Street" so why don't I create a street to go with the name of the design company? The first one was acutally 1776 Brush Street. And it wasn’t meant to be the 4th of July one, that one is in the works. But it was meant to be patriotic. Then I thought, I'll try Halloween cause that's the next best holiday, right? The Witch House, the Pumpkin Stand and then Boo Bar. The ghost has a martini (in his hand). You enter through the Grave Stone. My imagination just went (wild).

The other one in the works right now is 365 Brush Street and it's three beach houses. That's 'cause you can go to the beach 365 days a year. The best part of them is that on all of them they will have the address block, they will have a tree, and they will always have a flag pole. And then whatever comes out of my colorful imagination.

I really appreciate having this opportunity, I watch all your videos. We're in San Antonio by the way.

Yes, we are at the Mirabilia Minion Retreat and it is fabulous. It's so exciting to see new designers like this. How long have you been designing?

I started about 10 years ago with the snowmen, slowly. This last year I have produced four of these houses.

We will be adding all of these designs to Embroidery.com. So, make sure you head over there to my needlework blog. I will have all of these designs linked in.

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As always, I love to hear your comments & suggestions so please feel free to send them to me at [email protected].

Enjoy & Happy Stitching – Donnett

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