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Stitch of the Week Railroading Stitches

Do you ever admire another stitcher's finished piece and wonder how they got their stitches to lay so flat and perfect? There is a technique called "Railroading" which can help you achieve this flawless stitching look too! When using this technique, the floss is smoothed down with your tapestry needles so that the floss strands lay side-by-side - like the rails of a railroad track.

Railroading is one of the easier cross-stitch techniques, and it only takes a couple more seconds to execute. The instructions are simple: while stitching, place your needle in between the two strands of your floss while you push down into the hole!

When you seperate your strands, not only are you untangling them, but you are also forcing them to lay flat which gives you a magnificent finished look.

Do you have your own tips or tricks!? Don't quite understand? Comment below! We love to hear from you!

Rebecca M.

I didn't know this. Thanks!

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Carrie D.

Cool tip!

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